Thursday, March 28, 2019

Is The Dreadmill As Effective As Running Outdoors?

"Others, equally adamant, claim that treadmill miles are actually harder, perhaps because they’re stabbing themselves in the face with a fork to relieve the boredom."

Interesting. I hate the dreadmill, but it does work.

Thursday, March 14, 2019

Response to Gary Taubes on Omega-6 Fats (Seed Oils) and Obesity

I was a guest on their sixth episode: [2]

Where we discussed omega-6 fats (n-6) from seed oils, and their impact on health and fitness.

Shawn posed a question to Taubes about processed vegetable oils (seed oils), as a follow-up of sorts to our discussion.

This is actually the second time that a question from me about one of my favorite topics made it into a podcast interview w/ Taubes, the first was in 2011, detailed in this post. [3]

PS: They had me back on their podcast to discuss this post:

"Taubes answers about the way I expected him to.  Thoughtfully, but wheat and linoleic acid have not been focuses of his research."

Tuesday, March 12, 2019