Wednesday, February 27, 2019

"There's New Research on the Science of Barefoot Running"

Interesting, although it still basically confirms that your feet work quite differently in a cushioned shoe...

Link via Alex Hutchinson - Outside Online


  1. Interesting - and suggests the tradeoff of impact force vs speed hits hard in the middle distance runs. I recall Edwin Moses describing the 400m hurdles as entering the Twilight Zone. Seems the same with the 800m races.

    Optimization will win, vs maximization of one factor at the expense of the other.

  2. FTA: "Either your shoe cushioning softens the impact, or you adjust your landing to get cushioning from your calf and Achilles." That sounds basically like what we've all believed for years now. The only question is, does that *adjustment* benefit the rest of you? Achilles injuries--and pretty much all of us have had them--aside, I still say yes.


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