This one was a stomach bug—it's apparently going around, from the symptoms I'd say it's viral.
The immediate sign of it was that the mere thought of food was enough to make me nauseous and dizzy. At which point I decided that instead of getting lunch I would leave the office and go home.
Later, in the evening, my daughter broke out some ice cream. That was appealing!
After eating a few bites I came down with a fever. Literally, in the middle of eating the bowl of ice cream I started getting chills. 99.5, not huge, but I hadn't had a fever prior to that moment.
A few hours later the fever went away.
Which got me to thinking: cause and effect?
Thank you for this post. A stomach virus is often confused with the common flu, however the two are not the same. The difference is generally vomiting, which occurs with a stomach virus but does not occur with a common cold. Click to see more