Friday, January 7, 2022

I Caught A Cold

No, not "the" cold. Two COVID-19 antigen tests were negative, the second in the thick of the symptoms.

It started as a simple head cold, which nevertheless was able to quite knock me out for a bunch of days.

Lack of sleep due to a flight from Idaho to Newark, NJ through Seattle in the thick of the recent Seattle snow apocalypse was likely the cause of it. 

Getting this message in the middle of taking off while flying to Seattle probably kicked off some stress, and the combination of that and lack of sleep is not good for one's immune system!

It's then progressed to bronchitis, and has put me quite behind on some projects I am working on.

So if you are wondering where I've been, and why I won't be around much for the next few weeks. that's the answer.

The COVID tests were done for the friends and family we were visiting. My parents-in-law are both 80, and while quite healthy, are obviously concerned about the ill effects of that particular virus on older people.


  1. I've seen some reports that omicron doesn't always show up with existing tests. Hope you feel better soon!

    1. Yeah, who knows. I'm certainly not spending time/money to get a PCR confirmation, I really don't care what flavor of cold this is.

      Thanks, I am feeling much better already, hence the post.

  2. I wish you a speedy recovery 💪

  3. Yeah, the stress of the last month has hit us pretty hard too. Thankfully, the only traveling we did was to go on vacation and try to decrease our total stress. (It mostly worked.)
    None of us were positive for 'rona either, but most of the extended family did get it in one way or another around Christmas.

  4. Hope you are doing better.

    With such a clean lifestyle, body responds and recovers so much better. Take care.

  5. There are now at least two varieties of Omicron CV.

    From Aus. ABC News: "the normal Omicron variant had about 30 different variants or gene changes.

    "This other one [Omicron-like] has about 14 gene changes," he said.

    "It's got enough to classify it as Omicron but we don't know enough about it as to what that means as far as clinical severity or vaccine effectiveness."

    One thing we do know is there is a difference in the S gene dropout.

    "One has the S gene dropout and is the normal means of screening for Omicron … but this other strain then doesn't have this S gene dropout," he said."

    So, does this other variety show up as regular CV on screening, or not at all?

  6. Hey Tucker, Take it easy and get well soon - with hopefully an even stronger immune system afterwards.

  7. Thanks all, feeling much better. It cleared out of the bronchial tubes, and I've gotten my energy back.


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