Wednesday, February 2, 2022

What Should You Eat? Introducing Zero Acre Farms.

Today Zero Acre Farms launches their public site. I've been working with them for the last many months, as they attempt to come up with a better answer to seed oils.

"Fermentation is the original culinary art, after fire," says co-founder and CEO Jeff Nobbs. "We use this ancient technique to produce oils and fats with significantly lower levels of the bad fats that have been linked to inflammation and disease while having a fraction of the environmental footprint. We're proud to be the first company stepping up with the mission to completely remove industrial 'vegetable' oils from our food system."

"Potential mechanisms of these associations include olive oil being less susceptible to oxidation; having anti-inflammatory and antiatherogenic properties; and improving oxidative stress, endothelial function, lipid profile, insulin sensitivity, and blood pressure.

Zero Acre has a product that can consistently address these widely-recognized problems with industrial seed oils. 

Olive oil is healthier than seed oils because it can have less linoleic acid, the omega-6 fat that has been identified as the cause of the above-mentioned problems, through decades of scientific effort.

While olive oil is a great option, it has a few issues: it naturally varies widely in its level of omega-6 fats, it is very expensive to produce since it's grown on trees, it's therefore very difficult to increase production, and the market for olive oil has suffered from a problem with widespread adulteration with cheap, unhealthy seed oils. It's impossible to replace seed oil production with olive oil.

Over 100 years of reliance on seed oils has left the world in a position where an enormous quantity of our calories now comes from a 'food' that is widely recognized as having deleterious effects on our health. This vast and rapidly increasing quantity of seed oils consumed in the world is bad for people and ironically is one of the worst for the environment, as millions of acres of forest land is cut down to produce oil crops that lead to worse human health.

From Jeff Nobbs' post.

The seed oil industry has long recognized the problem with their products, and has been trying to lower the omega-6 levels, with some success: "GM soybean oil causes less obesity and insulin resistance but is harmful to liver function". 

Unlike the seed oil manufacturers which are unwilling to admit the health problems their products cause, Zero Acre has no such conflict.

Jeff Nobbs and his team at Zero Acre Farms are the real deal. They're doing this because they believe in the health and environmental benefits of lowering seed oil consumption around the world.

India alone has over 1 billion people who have become dependent on seed oils, and whose health has declined as a result.

This is a terrific alternative as we all try to improve our health and the health of the planet.

It's a very exciting time and project, and I couldn't be happier to finally be able to talk about his on my birthday!

Sign up for the Future of Fat summit that Zero Acre is holding in March.

P.S. Jeff posted a thread on twitter that's worth reading:


  1. Where is "corn oil" in the chart? As a kid I grew up driving tractors on grain farms and there was just as much corn as soybeans where I worked in Illinois.

    1. Corn oil would be part of "Maize", as corn is known in most of the world. I would have expected to see that broken out also, as soybean and soybean oil is, but neither Jeff nor I made the chart.

  2. What an amazing undertaking! Godspeed to you Tucker and the company doing this.

    P.S. How do I invest?

    1. LOL, not through me. At the moment I think they're OK, but you'd have to reach out to ZAF.

  3. Do we know the composition or ranges for the new oils?

  4. The link to "leading 'experts' dance around what's really wrong with our food system" yields "Sorry, the page you were looking for in this blog does not exist."

    1. Yeah, duh. Fixed, and here:

      "Consumption of Olive Oil and Risk of Total and Cause-Specific Mortality Among U.S. Adults"

  5. What a great idea! I hope they do well in the product is as promised. Interestingly, while they point out that fermentation is a long-standing traditional culinary technique, they don't point out that this is how cows make their healthy fat. No doubt because, you know, sat fat is evil. Also not plant based.

    1. "...they don't point out that this is how cows make their healthy fat."

      Oh, believe me, we have discussed that and it's going to be discussed more going forward. This is early-stage, remember.

  6. What are they making it from? Maybe I'm blind, but I can't find that vital information anywhere.

  7. Why do we need this? Why not just use beef tallow or butter?

    1. If you are a vegetarian, you can't eat tallow. Butter is expensive, although it's certainly my preferred fat source!

      But if you prefer to eat tallow and butter, by all means continue to do so.

  8. Can you please debate Nick Hiebert? It will be educational for all viewers

    1. Vivisecting myself on Youtube would be educational for all viewers. Probably a poor analogy, actually, as Nick wouldn't be vivisecting *me*.

      I offered to debate him, he set ridiculous conditions, and he lost his chance.

      I am going to debate a vegan soon, who seems to not have the issues Nick has displayed, but will cover some of the topics I would cover in a debate with Nick.

    2. Also, I get that he comes across as kind of arrogant and insulting, but I'm sure you can understand that a lot of content creators put on a persona in front of the camera for clicks, attention, etc, but often they're quite polite behind the scenes. Myself having interacted with him through some comments (and watching him with others) he appears to be quite polite and it could be a civil debate between you two despite the heated past disagreements. His main criticisms of your work is that you overly rely on mechanistic research and don't look at the human outcomes

      Also, he responded to your debate discussion online between you two and it appears he had reasonable debate conditions, although that's one side of the story so maybe he misrepresented there


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